Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Goals...thoughts...getting started

Here are my goals/thoughts as of right now...

1. Finish How Children Learn by 9/15
2. Write paper on How Children Learn by 9/22
3. Order my exercise DVD 9/10 DONE 9/10
4. Start an exercise routine 9/15 (when Scott gets back in town) 9/10 walked Jarom to scouts instead of driving...progress!
5. Wake up at 6 and spend an hour doing my foundation (prayer, scriptures, personal study, dressed for the day) STARTED TODAY 9/10 so one day down hundreds to go!
6. Have devotional with the kids after breakfast...start the New Testament 9/10 did this for the first time this school year!!!
7. Get ready to start the 4 year plan on 9/22 (organize books, papers, binder, supplies, etc...need to outline this better) I made good progress on this tonight!
8. Play for one hour uninterrupted with the small children Always a challenge but doing better
9. Read for one hour our 'day time' book with the older children while the little ones play. 9/10 did pretty good today
10. Implement a 45 minute to 1 hour of quiet time a day using the primary CD after lunch and use the time for more personal study
11. Hammer down a better daily routing to start using on the 22nd 9/11 made good progress on this today
12. What are we going to do in regards to 'salaries' for the kids?
13. What are we going to do in regards to 'chores' for the kids?
14. Get 5 Pillar stuff all organized and figured out.
15. Post at least one thing every week day that we did for homeschool!!! Day one done 9/10

1 comment:

Mindful Mothering said...

Great thoughts and goals:-) It is a fun process!