Thursday, September 11, 2008


What an awesome day...

Wednesday, September 10th
1. Everyone was dressed, fed, and the kitchen was cleaned up before 9.
2. Devotional went GREAT! We had a welcome, opening song, prayer, read out of the scripture reader of the New Testament for 15 minutes, and closed with a song and prayer. It was great to get that all done. Now I just need to start incorporating journaling into our Devotionals.
3. Family Book: We read 4 chapters (about 25-30 minutes) out of Half Magic which is our morning book right now. The kids were engaged and seemed to enjoy listening to me read to them.
4. Turned on some good classical music which played on and off most of the day. Very relaxing and I really felt like it brought a calming peace to our home.
5. During our 1 1/2 hours of personal study time Jarom asked me to read a chapter book to him. That is progress. I brought over a couple of options and he excitedly chose Flat Stanley. Nothing to challenging, but a nice start to get us back into the reading/school routine. We read for about 45 minutes before stopping.
6. The TV has not been turned on this week at all.
7. The kids played happily for hours and hours! Their minds and imaginations are really opening up.
8. Brea took a 3 hour nap!
9. Becca was a peach and so well behaved.
10. The kids didn't even ask to play the computer until 2 today...WHO-HOO!
11. It was cool enough to play outside today for short amounts of time. The kids played in the backyard this morning, a couple of times this afternoon, we walked Jarom to scouts and played a park while he was at scouts, and the little boys and Brea played outside with the hose in the evening.
12. My two little boys and Brea got a nice warm bath tonight. :)
13. The kids spent an hour or more making 'melt bead' creations this afternoon.
14. Megan played part of Called to Serve on the piano and is so excited about playing it! Now I just need to nurture the spark, do the dance, and inspire her to continue her curiosity of music.
15. I didn't have to cook...we had Taco Bell. :) Always a treat and such an easy clean up!
16. All the kids went to bed nice and easy for me.
17. I ordered a couple of Ana Caban Pilates DVDs so I can start working out! I have got to get rid of this post C-section muffin top!!!!!!

It was a great day, and tomorrow will be even better!!

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