Monday, September 22, 2008

Lots to do...

Tomorrow is Tuesday::

Goals for Tuesday;
1. Do morning foundation
2. Wake up at 6:00am
3. Cook breakfast for the kids before Dr. Appointment
4. Dr. appointment 8:40
5. After Dr. appointment get journals, a few extra binders, filing cabinet, make copies for 4 year plan
6. Have devotional with kids include journal time and scripture mastery
7. 1 hour of Inspire Us time
8. Lunch/Dinner prep
9. 12-12:45 personal study time
10. LPM 1-2
11. Personal study time 2-4
12. Cook dinner
13. Prepare for 5 pillar

*Call or stop by Timberpoint about furniture :)
**Think about making the central board for the family


Lifes Delish said...

WOW! Girl your life is busy. You are doing so good. I am proud of you! I just saw you commented on my blog! We need to get our kids together. Let me know when a good day is. PS A pair of shoes is coming your way! Miss Ya!

becki said...

Oh man, I thought I was doing ok until I came upon your blog. I am so intimidated by your master mothering skills. I would love to aspire to be you. Jeeze! Keep it up, your an inspiration to us who need it :)